Competitor Information


A big welcome from the organisers, marshals and officials of the Nidderdale Sprint Triathlon. We hope you will have a safe and enjoyable race.

Please read these notes carefully


    Nidderdale Pool and Leisure Centre

    Low Wath Road

    Pateley Bridge


    HG3 5HL

    Tel: 01423 711442

Car Parking

Parking is at the Riverside Car Park, Low Wath Road. The cost is £3.00 for the day. From here it is a 300m walk to the Centre. Return to the road, cross over and turn right on the pavement to the Centre and Registration.

What time should I arrive?

Registration is open from 11:00. Please register at least an hour before your start time. Start times will be available on the Nidderdale Triathlon website.


Registration will be located in the Leisure Centre.

BTF Membership

BTF members must present their current membership licence. Failure to do so will mean paying £6 for BTF day licence before receiving your race pack.

Non BTF Membership

If you paid the higher entry fee, you have already paid for a day licence but will need to show some form of identity. A debit card will suffice.

Competitors Race Pack

At registration you will receive a bag containing:-

  • Nidderdale Triathlon race T-shirt
  • 2 Race numbers
  • 1 numbered bike sticker
  • 1 numbered helmet sticker
  • Timing chip
  • Coloured swim cap

Please check all these items are in your pack. Safety pins will be available.


This race will be held under British Triathlon Federation rules so make yourself fully conversant with these. You can view the rules HERE.

Littering will not be permitted at the Nidderdale Sprint Triathlon. Competitors who have been witnessed littering will incure a penalty.

Safety Briefing

The safety briefing is a written document available on the official Nidderdale Triathlon website. Copies will also be available at Registration along with the rules relating to drafting on the bike leg. Please make sure you read both carefully. You will be required to sign that you have read and understood them. If you have any questions or require any more assistance, please ask at the Registration Desk.

Weather Conditions

On occasion the weather can be particularly unfavourable; something we have no control over. Nidderdale Sprint Triathlon reserve the right to amend the event to a more suitable format should weather conditions prove to be unsafe. In the most extreme cases we may have to cancel the event. In the event of the triathlon having to be cancelled we will not be able to issue refunds. This decision would not be taken lightly and would be a last resort.


Throughout the day hot and cold drinks and a variety of food will be available for purchase from the School Hall, next door to the Leisure Centre.


There is a small spectator viewing area in the pool building. Spectators are most welcome, you will be able to see a lot of the race, but please follow these basic rules to ensure the safety of yourself, officials and all competitors.

  • Only park in the Riverside Car Park.
  • No spectator's vehicles on the course.
  • No spectators on poolside or in the Transition area
  • Stay within the fenced off spectator areas and only cross the Triathlon Route at the designated crossings.
  • Do not climb any fences or barriers
  • Follow the marshal’s instructions
  • If you bring your dog keep it on a short lead near any of the race route.

What should I do after I’ve registered ?

Attach your numbered stickers to your bike and helmet, then take your bike and race kit to the Transition Area near the Finish. Place your bike in the correctly numbered slot on the bike racking. Place your bike helmet, shoes and any clothing you will use for the Bike or Run sections alongside your bike. Anything else must be removed to the edge of the transition area. Keep all your race equipment within the confines of your own bike space. You should be able to view your number on the racking from where you place your race equipment. Your Race Numbers should be attached so that your number is visible on your back while cycling and on your front while running. Number belts are permitted.

Security in the Transition Area

Only competitors and race officials will be allowed into the transition area. Under no circumstance will spectators be allowed to enter this area. This is for everybody’s safety and security.

When checking your bike into the transition area before your race, you will be asked to show both your race numbers and bike and helmet stickers (attached to your bike / helmet). After your race you will be asked once more to show your race number. This must match your bike and helmet stickers number.

The Swim

Any bags, non-race kit or valuable items can be left in the lockers in the changing village. A returnable £1 coin will be needed.

Please arrive on poolside at least 10 minutes before your start time complete with coloured swim hat and timing chip on your ankle. Your details will be checked on poolside. Competitors will start at one minute or 30 second intervals based on your estimated swim time. Enter the pool when told to do so and start when told. No jumping in. Expect there to be up to four swimmers in your lane. The other swimmers should be of a similar standard. If you catch someone up tap their feet to let them know you are there. If your feet get tapped please allow them to pass at the end of that length. Swim in the direction explained by the Swim Lap Counter. The Swim is 400m or 20 lengths. You are responsible for counting your own lengths. However the lap counter will try and signal when you have two lengths remaining

When you finish your swim, climb out and walk to the exit at the end of the pool.

The run to Transition is about 200m so you can leave a pair of shoes inside the sports hall which you pass through straight out of the pool (for the safety of all competitors, please do not leave any shoes or clothing on pool side or outside the pool exit door).

If you need to leave glasses these can be left on the bench behind your counter. Follow the signed and carpeted route to the Transition Area.

Transition T1

Go to your bike and put on any additional clothes you want to wear. Fit and fasten your bike helmet BEFORE you touch your bike. Remember your Race Number must be visible from the back.

Follow the signs marked BIKE OUT. Run along the front of the school building and on to the drive. Cross the MOUNT LINE, defined by the speed bump on the road, and then get on your bike.

The Cycle

You must wear an approved Bike Helmet during the cycle section. Follow the large yellow Cycle Route signs. The Cycle course is 20km, marshalled and fully signed.

It is your responsibility to familiarise yourself with the bike course. Please take great care while cycling as you are sharing open roads with other traffic. Nidderdale is a rural area and large pieces of farming machinery filling the road is a very real possibility. You must comply with the Highway Code and follow the normal rules of the road at all times. You do not have any special priority and must give way as normal at road junctions. Race Marshals do not have the authority to stop traffic and are only there to give you directions.

You are responsible for your own safety. In particular:

  • Give way to existing traffic when turning left to join Low Wath road at the start of the bike leg
  • Give way to oncoming traffic at the turn around point when you turn right into the lay-by.
  • Give way to oncoming traffic when you turn right into the Centre at the end of the bike leg.
  • Dismount before the speed bump and make your way back to the transition area.

Transition T2

Enter the Transition Area following the TRANSITION IN signs. Return your bike back to your place on the racking and re-rack your bike BEFORE removing your helmet. Make sure your Run Number is visible from the front during the run before heading out onto the final leg.

The Run

The Run is 5km comprising an outward leg, 2 laps and a return leg. Expect pedestrians, dog walkers and other competitors on the route. Please be kind and considerate to them. There will usually be a grass verge you can run on.

The Run route is well marked with large, yellow direction arrows marked RUN and there are marshals at turn points and crossings to direct you. Follow the signs. Keep to the footpaths and do not run on the road. You will run on tarmac, hardcore and grass surfaces; some of which are very uneven so keep your eyes open. After leaving Transition at RUN OUT follow the path to Low Wath Road. Keep left along the path for approximately 200m where a Marshall will direct you across the road. Give way to any traffic. A narrow hardcore path leads to Millennium Bridge. Turn left here to start Lap 1. Keep left on the path to the turn point and double back to the bridge. Now cross the Millennium Bridge and collect your first band, follow the path to the right and pass the drinks station. Continue on the pavement to your right past the houses. Keeping right cross Pateley Bridge bridge. Turn right into the recreation ground and follow the path back to the Millennium Bridge. Here you will begin your second lap. As you cross the Millennium bridge for the second time you will be issued with another band to prove you are on your second lap. As you approach the Millennium Bridge from the recreation ground at the end of your second lap you will be directed left towards Low Wath Road and up to the finishing line on the grass next to transition.

After the race

Once you cross the line, you will enter a small finish compound. Here you will find a supply of water. Before you leave the compound please remove your Timing Chip and place in the collection bin close to the exit. Timing Chips not returned will incur a £10 replacement charge.


Results will be displayed on the Nidderdale Triathlon Website.


The prize giving will be at the finish line once the last competitor is back. Prizes will be given to the 1st 2nd and 3rd Female and Male, 1st Female and 1st Male Vet (40-49, 50-59,60+) along with one for 1st Female and 1st Male local competitors.

A big thank you to:

RayNet for providing race communications on the bike leg. NYPTri for signs, fencing, cones, marshals bibs, help on the risk assessments and lots of little things. Last but not least all our amazing volunteer without whom the Sprint Triathlon would not be possible.